aif expr body [expr body] ...
Anaphoric if : each expr is evaluated until one is true, and then the corresponding body is executed. Within the body, the anaphoric variable it refers back to the value of expr .
>(aif (> 1 2) (+ it 1) 42 (+ it 2))
>(aif nil (+ it 1))
awhen expr [body ...]
Anaphoric when : if the expr is true, the body is executed. Within the body, the variable it refers back to the value of expr .
>(awhen (* 2 3) (+ it 1))
aand [arg ...]
Anaphoric and . Returns the last argument if all arguments are true, otherwise returns nil . Inside each argument the anaphoric variable it refers to the value of the previous argument. Like and , lazy evaluation is used, so evaluation stops after encountering a false argument.
>(aand 1 (+ it 2) (* it 10))
afn parms [body ...]
Creates an anaphoric function, which can be called recursively with the name self . This allows a recursive function to be created without assigning it a name.
>((afn (x) (if (is x 0) 1 (* 2 (self (- x 1))))) 5)
rfn name parms [body ...]
Creates a function with the given name . The name is only inside the scope of the rfn macro. This allows recursive functions to be created without polluting the wider scope.
>((rfn pow2 (x) (if (is x 0) 1 (* 2 (pow2 (- x 1))))) 5)
trav obj [function ...]
Recursive traversal. Applies each function in sequence to obj , if obj is not nil . The function can recursively call itself with a new obj with (self obj) .
>(trav '(1 2 3 4) (fn (_) (prn _)) (fn (_) (self (cdr _))))
(1 2 3 4)
(2 3 4)
(3 4)
Copyright 2008 Ken Shirriff.