

Arc provides several syntax innovations beyond Scheme.

Square-bracket anonymous functions

Anonymous functions on one variable can be created with square brackets; the underscore _ is the variable. For example, [+ 1 _] is equivalent to (fn (_) (+ 1 _)):
arc> (map [+ 1 _] '(10 20 30))
(11 21 31)

Special syntax

The "special syntax" characters are :, ~, ., and !. The ~ character provides Boolean complement of a procedure; ~a is equivalent to (complement a)
arc> (~odd 3)
arc> (~even 3)
The : character implements function composition; a:b is equivalent to (compose a b) and applies a to the result of applying b:
arc> (odd:sqrt 4)
arc> (odd:sqrt 9)
The syntax a.b is equivalent to (a b). It is intended for structure access:
arc> (= x '(a b c d))
(a b c d)
arc> x.2
The syntax a!b is equivalent to (a 'b). It is intended for structure access where quoting is needed:
arc> (= tb (obj a 10 b 20 c 30))
#hash((c . 30) (a . 10) (b . 20))
arc> tb!a

eval expression
Evaluates the expression.
>(eval '(+ 1 2))
apply fn arglist
Applies the function to the arguments.
>(apply + '(1 2))
ssexpand symbol
Expands special syntax (: ! . or ~). The : character indicates composition. The ~ indicates complementing. The . applies the first value to the remainder. The ! is like . except the arguments are quoted.
>(ssexpand 'x:~y:z)
(compose x (complement y) z)
>(ssexpand '+.1.2)
((+ 1) 2)
>(ssexpand '+!1!2)
((+ (quote 1)) (quote 2))
>(ssexpand 'cons!a!b)
((cons (quote a)) (quote b))
ssyntax symbol
Tests if the symbol contains special syntax (: ! . or ~).
>(ssyntax 'x:y)
compose [function] ...
Composes the functions.
>((compose sqrt:len) "abcd")
complement function
Creates a procedure that is the complement of function.
>(map (complement odd) '(1 2 3 4 5))
(nil t nil t nil)
idfn x
Identity function; returns x.

Copyright 2008 Ken Shirriff.