

Arc's networking functions are limited to those necessary to support a web server. In particular, there is no support for outgoing network connections.

client-ip tcp-output-argument
Returns the IP address of the client connected to a TCP port. The tcp-output-argument is the second value returned from socket-accept. The address is returned as a string, the same as the third result from socket-accept.
>(let s (socket-accept (open-socket 8080))
    (client-ip (s 1)))
open-socket port
Opens a tcp-listener on the given port.
>(open-socket 8000)
socket-accept tcp-port
Accepts a connection on the given tcp-listener. The thread blocks until a connection is received. It returns a list of (input-port output-port client-ip-string).
>(socket-accept (open-socket 8080))
(#<input-port> #<output-port> "")
w/socket var port [body ...]
Opens a socket with open-socket, assigns it to var, executes body, and closes the socket.
>(w/socket s 8888 (let (i o ip) (socket-accept s)
  (w/stdout o (prn "Hello") (close i o))
  (prn ip)))

Copyright 2008 Ken Shirriff.