newstring length [char]
Creates a string of the given length.
>(newstring 5 #\a)
whitec c
Predicate to test if a character is whitespace (space, newline, tab, or return).
>(whitec #\tab)
>(whitec " ")
nonwhite c
Predicate to test if a character is not whitespace (space, newline, tab, or return).
>(nonwhite #\tab)
>(nonwhite #\a)
letter c
Predicate to test if a character is alphabetic. New in arc3.
>(letter #\A)
>(letter #\2)
alphadig c
Predicate to test if a character is alphabetic or a digit.
>(alphadig #\A)
>(alphadig #\2)
punc c
Predicate to detemine if c is a punctuation character in the set: .,;:!?
>(punc #\.)
>(punc #\a)
>(punc ".")
downcase str
Converts a string, character, or symbol to lower case. This only converts ASCII; Unicode is unchanged.
>(downcase "abcDEF123")
>(downcase #\A)
>(downcase 'abcDEF123)
upcase str
Converts a string, character, or symbol to lower case. This only converts ASCII; Unicode is unchanged.
>(upcase "abcDEF123")
>(upcase #\a)
>(upcase 'abcDEF123)
ellipsize str [limit]
If str is longer than the limit (default 80), truncate it and append ellipses ('...').
>(ellipsize "Too long" 6)
"Too lo..."
rand-string n
Generates a random string of alphanumerics of length n.
>(rand-string 10)
string arg [...]
Converts the args into a string. The args must be coerce-able to a string.
>(string 2 'a '(#\b #\c))
recstring f string [start]
Recursively steps through the string until f returns a non-nil value, and returns that value. Returns nil otherwise. The values passed to f are integer indices; the indices start at 0, or start if specified.
>(let str "abcde"
(fn (idx) (if (is (str idx) #\c) (+ 10 idx)))
w/bars [statement ...]
Executes each statement and collects the output. A vertical bar is placed between the output of statements producing output.
>(w/bars (pr "a") 42 (pr "b") (pr "c") nil)
a | b | c
The separator string used by w/bars .
" | "
tokens str [sep]
Splits str into tokens based on the separator (default whitec ). sep is either a predicate function on a character, or a character.
>(tokens " cat dog bird lizard\nrat\tmouse")
("cat" "dog" "bird" "lizard" "rat" "mouse")
>(tokens "" #\.)
("foo" "bar" "baz")
>(tokens "a!bc%de@f" (fn (c) (pos c "!@%")))
("a" "bc" "de" "f")
urldecode str
Decodes a string in URL encoding. The string is assumed to be UTF-8
>(urldecode "abc+def %c2%a9")
"abc def ©"
litmatch pat seq [start]
Tests if seq starting at offset start begins with pat .
Because of the macro expansion, pat must be a literal string or list of characters and not a variable. seq can be a string or list of characters.
>(litmatch "abc" "abcde")
>(litmatch "abc" "xabcde")
>(litmatch "abc" "xabcde" 1)
>(litmatch (#\a #\b #\c) "abcde")
endmatch pat seq
Tests if seq ends with pat .
Because of the macro expansion, pat must be a literal string or list of characters and not a variable. seq can be a string or list of characters.
>(endmatch "abc" "abcde")
>(endmatch "cde" "abcde")
>(endmatch (#\c #\d #\e) "abcde")
posmatch pat seq [start]
If pat is a string or list of characters, return the index (from start ) where pat appears in seq . If pat is a predicate function on one character, it is applied to the characters of seq (starting from start ), and returns the index of the first true result. seq is a string or list of characters.
>(posmatch "abc" "junk")
>(posmatch "a" "banana" 2)
>(posmatch (fn (c) (in c #\a #\b)) "foobar")
>(posmatch '(#\a #\b) '(#\c #\a #\b))
findsubseq pat seq [start]
Finds the index where pat is a subsequence of seq , starting at start . Both pat and seq can be strings or lists of characters. findsubseq is similar to posmatch , except it doesn't accept a function for pat .
>(findsubseq "abc" "fooabcbar")
>(findsubseq "abc" "x")
>(findsubseq "an" "banana" 2)
headmatch pat seq [start]
Tests if seq from offset start onwards starts with pat . pat and seq can be strings or lists of characters. headmatch will die if pat is longer than seq and matches up to the end of seq .
>(headmatch "abc" "abcde")
>(headmatch "cd" "abcde")
>(headmatch "cd" "abcde" 2)
>(headmatch '(#\a #\b) '(#\a #\b #\c))
begins seq pat [start]
Tests if seq begins with pat . begins is the same as headmatch with the first two arguments reversed, except begins doesn't die if matching goes past the end of seq .
>(begins "abcde" "abc")
>(begins "abc" "abcde")
>(begins "abcde" "cd" 2)
subst new old seq
Substitutes new for old in seq . new can be any printable object. old and seq can be strings or lists of characters.
>(subst "bar" "foo" "catfood dogfood")
"catbard dogbard"
>(subst '(1 2) "a" "banana")
"b(1 2)n(1 2)n(1 2)"
multisubst pairs seq
Performs multiple substitutions on seq . pairs is a list of pairs of old and new values.
>(multisubst '(("a" 1) ("b" "B")) "banana")
blank str
Tests if str is blank (whitespace).
>(blank "a b")
>(blank " ")
>(blank '(#\space #\tab #\newline))
trim str where [test]
Trims whitespace (or arbitrary expression) from str . where can have the value 'front , to trim the front of the string (currently broken); 'end , to trim the end of the string; or 'both to trim both ends of the string. If specified, test is either a character or a predicate function on characters.
>(trim " abc " 'end)
" abc"
>(trim " abc " 'both)
>(trim "aabcaa" 'both #\a)
>(trim "aabcaa" 'both (fn (_) (in _ #\a #\b)))
num m [digits [trail-zeros [init-zero]]]
Formats a real number. digits is the number of digits after the decimal point, trail-zeros is a Boolean indicating if trailing zeros should be included, and init-zero is a Boolean indicating if there should be a 0 before the decimal point.
>(num 123456)
>(num -123456)
>(num 1.2345 2)
>(num 1.2 4 t)
>(num 0.3 4 t t)
pluralize n str
Returns str pluralized; if n is 1 or a list of length 1, str is returned unchanged; otherwise an 's' is appended. Renamed from plural in arc3.
>(pluralize 2 "fox")
>(pluralize '() "fish")
plural n str
Returns n and str pluralized. New in arc3.
>(plural 2 "fox")
"2 foxs"
>(plural '() "fish")
" fishs"
halve str
Splits a string in two on whitespace. New in arc3.
>(halve "ab cd ef")
("ab" " cd ef")
>(halve "abc")
positions test seq
Returns a list of positions in seq where test is true. Works on sequences in general. New in arc3.
>(positions #\a "That abacus")
(2 5 7)
>(positions odd '(1 2 4 5 7))
(0 3 4)
lines str
Splits str into lines. New in arc3.
>(lines "a b\nc d\n\ne f")
("a b" "c d" "" "e f")
urlencode str
Completely url-encodes str. Doesn't work with unicode. New in arc3.
>(urlencode "abc")
>(urlencode "☃")
nonblank str
Returns str if it is nonblank, nil otherwise. New in arc3.
>(nonblank "a b")
"a b"
>(nonblank "\n\t ")
Copyright 2008 Ken Shirriff.