Table operations

Table operations

Arc provides support for hash tables. An entry in the table is accessed by treating the table as a function on the key. For example, to look up key in table tab: (tab key). If the key is not present, nil is returned. The = operator can be used to assign values to a table: (= (tab key) 'value).

See also template operations, which provide a more complex abstraction on top of tables.

obj [key value ...]
Creates a table with the specified key/value pairs. (The table can be considered an object with the keys as field names.)
>(obj key1 42 key2 "hello")
#hash((key1 . 42) (key2 . "hello"))
w/table var [body ...]
Assigns an empty table to var and then executes body.
>(w/table t1 (= (t1 "a") 42) (write-table t1))
(("a" 42))
#hash(("a" . 42))
tablist table
Returns the table as a list of key/value pairs
>(tablist (obj key1 42 key2 "hello"))
((key1 42) (key2 "hello"))
listtab list
Converts a list of key/value pairs to a table.
>(listtab '((key1 val1) (key2 val2)))
#hash((key1 . val1) (key2 . val2))
read-table [[input-port] eof]
Reads a table (as a list of pairs) from the given input-port or stdin. If end-of-file is encountered, the given eof value is returned; if it is a list, it will be processed into a table.
>(w/instring ins "((a 10)(b 20))" (read-table ins))
#hash((a . 10) (b . 20))
load-table filename [eof]
Reads a table from the given filename. This is similar to read-table, except the input is specified as a filename, rather than an input-port.
#hash((a . 10) (b . 20))
safe-load-table filename
Loads a table from the given file, like load-table. However, if an error is encountered, an empty table is returned instead of an exception.
>(load-table "tfile")
#hash((a . 10) (b . 20))
load-tables filename
Loads tables from the specified file until end-of-file is reached. Returns a list of tables.
>(load-tables "tfile2")
(#hash((a . 10) (b . 20)) #hash((
write-table h [output-port]
Writes the table to the output-port (or stdout) as a list of key/value pairs.
>(write-table (obj a 1 b 2))
((a 1) (b 2))
save-table table filename
Writes the table to the specified filename as a list of key/value pairs.
>(save-table (obj a 10 b 20) "tfile")
((a 10) (b 20))
maptable proc table
Applies proc to each element of the table and returns the table.
>(maptable (fn (key val) (prn key " " val)) (obj a 1 b 2))
a 1
b 2

#hash((a . 1) (b . 2))
Creates an empty hash table.
fill-table table data
Fills the table from the list data, which is interpreted as key-value pairs. table must already be a table.
>(let tb (obj a 1 b 2) (fill-table tb '(c 3 d 4)))
#hash((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3) (d . 4))
keys table
Returns a list of keys for the table.
>(keys (obj a 1 b 2))
(a b)
vals table
Returns a list of values for the table.
>(vals (obj a 1 b 2))
(1 2)
memtable keylist
Creates a table with the value true for each key in keylist.
>(memtable '(a b c))
#hash((a . t) (b . t) (c . t))

Copyright 2008 Ken Shirriff.